Workshop in Sheikh Zayed/6 October City

We are very excited to be giving another workshop in a new location at 6th of October City!

In cooperation with Reform Pilates Studios, we are giving a Primary and Secondary care course (General first aid for adults).

This workshop will teach you primary and secondary care. The Primary Care (CPR) teaches participants how to respond to life-threatening emergencies. The course focuses on primary care through a combination of knowledge development; skill development and realistic scenario practice to make sure participants have the confidence in their ability to provide care when emergency situations arise.

The secondary Care (First Aid) covers injuries or illnesses that are not immediately life-threatening. Participants focus on secondary assessment and first aid through knowledge development, skill development and realistic scenario practice. Skills include injury assessment, bandaging, splinting for dislocations and fractures..

 Do not miss this chance, this is the one important skill everyone must learn but we hope you never use!

For more information about the course and how to register, click here

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